Game: Development vs Conservation

Game Focal Issue of Concern

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A New Sewage Treatment Plant is Proposed for Building in Tidal and Non-tidal Wetlands Associated with a Major Estuary

A New Golf Course is Proposed to be Built Over Coastal Wetlands and Sand Dunes Used by Rare Birds

A River Bisecting a Major Urban Area is Proposed for Superfund Designation

A New Housing Subdivision is Proposed in Existing Oak Savannah and Wetgrass Prairie

An Old-Growth Spruce Forested Wetland Proposed for Logging

A Gravel Mining Operation is Proposed in a Sensitive Stream and Wetland Area Complex

A New Shopping Center Proposed in Wetgrass Prairie with Rare Plant and Animal Species

A Freeway By-Pass proposed in Riverine Wetlands and River Floodplains

Oil and Gas Pipelines are Proposed to Cross a Caribou Migration Corridor and Sacred Tribal Treaty Area

A New Reservoir is Proposed on a Threatened and Endangered Salmon Stream and Associated Wetlands

A Marina Expansion and New Dredging Proposed in Estuarine Bay

New Oil and Gas Pipelines are Proposed to Cross a National Wildlife Refuge and Research Natural Area

Fifteen Large Single Family Homes are Proposed for Rebuilding in an Area at High Risk both for Wildfire and Flood Damage

Residential Neighborhood Applies for a Programmatic Permit for Constructing a Stormwater Management System

A Highway is Proposed for Widening for A Passing Lane and Will Displace 20-acres of 1000-Year Old Trees

A New 150-acre Landfill is Proposed on Forested and Rare Prairie Wetlands

A New Lithium Mine is Proposed in a Sensitive Bird Sanctuary

A Bridge Replacement is Proposed over a 4-mile Wide Threatened and Endangered Salmon Bearing River Mouth

A New 60-acre Microchip Processor Plant is Proposed on Sensitive Wetlands Bisected by a Threatened Salmon Bearing Stream

A New Lightrail Line is Proposed to Cross Sensitive Wetlands and Salmon Bearing Streams

A New Prison is Proposed to be Built on Sensitive Wetlands and Endangered Bird Habitat

A Major River is Proposed for the Shipping Channel to be Widened and Deepened to Allow Larger Ships to Reach Inland Ports

An Abandoned Plywood Mill is Proposed for Replacement by Riverine Wetlands and High Flow River Side Channels

An Old Family Rye-grass Farm is Proposed for Conversion to Wetgrass Prairie and Oak Savannah

An Old Abandoned Dairy Farm Dike is Proposed for Removal and Restoration of Tidal Estuarine Wetlands and Channels

An Old Culvert is Proposed for Replacement With a Bridge to Reduce Flooding Risk and to Allow Restoration of Migratory Fish Passage

Tools To Maximize Mission Objectives

Economic Benefits: 0
Earth's Biosphere: 0

Conflict Score Legend

0-100: Poor
101-200: Medium Poor
201-300: Medium
301-400: Medium High
401+: High


By ChatGPT with some help from John Marshall